Quest for the right Drug

עמוד הבית / זפיקס טבליות / מידע מעלון לרופא


תרופה במרשם תרופה בסל נרקוטיקה ציטוטוקסיקה

צורת מתן:

פומי : PER OS

צורת מינון:

טבליות מצופות פילם : FILM COATED TABLETS

Pharmacological properties : תכונות פרמקולוגיות

Pharmacodynamic Properties

12.1   Mechanism of Action
Lamivudine is an antiviral agent with activity against HBV [see Microbiology (12.4)].

Pharmacokinetic Properties

12.3   Pharmacokinetics
Pharmacokinetics in Adults
The pharmacokinetic properties of lamivudine have been studied as single and multiple oral doses ranging from 5 mg to 600 mg per day administered to HBV-infected subjects.
Absorption and Bioavailability: Following single oral doses of 100 mg, the peak serum lamivudine concentration (Cmax) in HBV-infected patients (steady state) and healthy subjects (single dose) was 1.28 ± 0.56 mcg per mL and 1.05 ± 0.32 mcg per mL (mean ± SD), respectively, which occurred between 0.5 and 2 hours after administration. The area under the plasma concentration versus time curve (AUC[0-24 h]) following 100-mg lamivudine oral single and repeated daily doses to steady state was 4.3 ± 1.4 (mean ± SD) and 4.7 ± 1.7 mcg•hour per mL, respectively.
The relative bioavailability of the tablet and oral solution were demonstrated in healthy subjects. Although the solution demonstrated a slightly higher peak serum concentration (Cmax), there was no significant difference in systemic exposure (AUC) between the oral solution and the tablet. Therefore, the oral solution and the tablet may be used interchangeably.
After oral administration of lamivudine once daily to HBV-infected adults, the AUC and Cmax increased in proportion to dose over the range from 5 mg to 600 mg once daily.
Absolute bioavailability in 12 adult subjects was 86% ± 16% (mean ± SD) for the 150-mg tablet and 87% ± 13% for the 10-mg-per mL oral solution.
Effects of Food on Oral Absorption: Zeffix tablets and oral solution may be administered with or without food. The 100-mg tablet was administered orally to 24 healthy subjects on 2 occasions, once in the fasted state and once with food (standard meal: 967 kcal; 67 grams fat, 33 grams protein, 58 grams carbohydrate). There was no significant difference in systemic exposure (AUC) in the fed and fasted states.
Distribution: The apparent volume of distribution after IV administration of lamivudine to 20 HIV-1–infected subjects was 1.3 ± 0.4 L per kg, suggesting that lamivudine distributes into extravascular spaces. Volume of distribution was independent of dose and did not correlate with body weight.
Binding of lamivudine to human plasma proteins is less than 36%. In vitro studies showed that over the concentration range of 0.1 to 100 mcg per mL, the amount of lamivudine associated with erythrocytes ranged from 53% to 57% and was independent of concentration.
Metabolism: Metabolism of lamivudine is a minor route of elimination. In humans, the only known metabolite of lamivudine is the trans-sulfoxide metabolite (approximately 5% of an oral dose after 12 hours). Serum concentrations of this metabolite have not been determined. Lamivudine is not significantly metabolized by cytochrome P450 enzymes.
Elimination: The majority of lamivudine is eliminated unchanged in urine by active organic cationic secretion. In 9 healthy subjects given a single 300-mg oral dose of lamivudine, renal clearance was 199.7 ± 56.9 mL per min (mean ± SD). In 20 HIV-1– infected subjects given a single IV dose, renal clearance was 280.4 ± 75.2 mL per min (mean ± SD), representing 71% ± 16% (mean ± SD) of total clearance of lamivudine.
In most single-dose trials with plasma sampling for up to 48 or 72 hours after dosing, the observed mean elimination half-life (t½) ranged from 13 to 19 hours. In HIV-1– infected subjects, total clearance was 398.5 ± 69.1 mL per min (mean ± SD). Oral clearance and elimination half-life were independent of dose and body weight over an oral dosing range of 0.25 to 10 mg per kg.

Specific Populations
Patients with Renal Impairment: The pharmacokinetic properties of lamivudine have been determined in healthy adults and in adults with impaired renal function, with and without hemodialysis (Table 5).

Table 5. Pharmacokinetic Parameters (Mean ± SD) Dose-Normalized to a Single 100-mg Oral Dose of Lamivudine in Adults with Varying Degrees of Renal Function
Creatinine Clearance Criterion
(Number of Subjects)
80 mL/min         20-59 mL/min        <20 mL/min
Parameter                (n = 9)              (n = 8)            (n = 6) Creatinine clearance (mL/min)        97                   39                 15 (range 82-117)       (range 25-49)      (range 13-19)
Cmax (mcg/mL)                    1.31 ± 0.35          1.85 ± 0.40        1.55 ± 0.31 AUC (mcg•h/mL)                   5.28 ± 1.01         14.67 ± 3.74       27.33 ± 6.56 Cl/F (mL/min)                   326.4 ± 63.8         120.1 ± 29.5        64.5 ± 18.3 
Tmax was not significantly affected by renal function. Based on these observations, it is recommended that the dosage of lamivudine be modified in patients with renal impairment [see Dosage and Administration (2.4)].
Hemodialysis increases lamivudine clearance from a mean of 64 to 88 mL per min; however, the length of time of hemodialysis (4 hours) was insufficient to significantly alter mean lamivudine exposure after a single-dose administration. Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis and automated peritoneal dialysis have negligible effects on lamivudine clearance. Therefore, it is recommended, following correction of dose for creatinine clearance, that no additional dose modification be made after routine hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.
The effects of renal impairment on lamivudine pharmacokinetics in pediatric patients with chronic hepatitis B is not known.
Patients with Hepatic Impairment: The pharmacokinetic properties of lamivudine in adults with hepatic impairment are shown in Table 6. Subjects were stratified by severity of hepatic impairment.

Table 6. Pharmacokinetic Parameters (Mean ± SD) Dose-Normalized to a Single 100-mg Dose of Lamivudine in Adults with Normal or Impaired Hepatic Function
Normal              Moderate             Severe
Parameter                  (n = 8)               (n = 8)            (n = 8) Cmax (mcg/mL)                      0.92 ± 0.31           1.06 ± 0.58        1.08 ± 0.27 AUC (mcg•h/mL)                     3.96 ± 0.58           3.97 ± 1.36        4.30 ± 0.63 Tmax (h)                            1.3 ± 0.8             1.4 ± 0.8          1.4 ± 1.2 Cl/F (mL/min)                     424.7 ± 61.9          456.9 ± 129.8      395.2 ± 51.8 Clr (mL/min)                      279.2 ± 79.2          323.5 ± 100.9      216.1 ± 58.0 a
Hepatic impairment assessed by aminopyrine breath test.
Pharmacokinetic parameters were not altered by diminishing hepatic impairment.
Safety and efficacy of ZEFFIX have not been established in the presence of decompensated liver disease [see Indications and Usage (1)].
Patients Post-Hepatic Transplant: Fourteen HBV-infected adult subjects received liver transplant following lamivudine therapy and completed pharmacokinetic assessments at enrollment, 2 weeks after 100-mg once-daily dosing (pre-transplant), and 3 months following transplant; there were no significant differences in pharmacokinetic parameters. The overall exposure of lamivudine is primarily affected by renal impairment; consequently, transplant patients with renal impairment had generally higher exposure than patients with normal renal function. Safety and efficacy of ZEFFIX have not been established in this population [see Indications and Usage (1)].
Pregnant Women: The pharmacokinetics of lamivudine in patients with HBV or HIV- 1 infection and in healthy volunteers were similar at similar doses. Lamivudine pharmacokinetics were studied in 36 pregnant women with HIV during 2 clinical trials conducted in South Africa (3 to 6 times the recommended daily dosage for HBV). Lamivudine pharmacokinetics in pregnant women were similar to those seen in non-pregnant adults and in postpartum women. Lamivudine concentrations were generally similar in maternal, neonatal, and umbilical cord serum samples.
Pediatric Patients: Lamivudine pharmacokinetics were evaluated in a 28-day dose-ranging trial in 53 pediatric subjects with chronic hepatitis B. Subjects aged 2 to 12 years were randomized to receive lamivudine 0.35 mg per kg twice daily, 3 mg per kg once daily, 1.5 mg per kg twice daily, or 4 mg per kg twice daily. Subjects aged 13 to 17 years received lamivudine 100 mg once daily. Lamivudine Tmax was 0.5 to 1 hour. In general, both Cmax and exposure (AUC) showed dose proportionality in the dosing range studied. Weight-corrected oral clearance was highest at age 2 and declined from 2 to 12 years, where values were then similar to those seen in adults. A dose of 3 mg per kg given once daily produced a steady-state lamivudine AUC (mean 5,953 ng•hour per mL ± 1,562 SD) similar to that associated with a dose of 100 mg per day in adults.
Geriatric Patients: The pharmacokinetics of lamivudine after administration of Zeffix to subjects over 65 years have not been studied [see Use in Specific Populations (8.5)].
Male and Female Patients: There are no significant or clinically relevant gender differences in lamivudine pharmacokinetics.
Racial Groups: There are no significant or clinically relevant racial differences in lamivudine pharmacokinetics.
Drug Interaction Studies
Effect of Lamivudine on the Pharmacokinetics of Other Agents: Based on in vitro study results, lamivudine at therapeutic drug exposures is not expected to affect the pharmacokinetics of drugs that are substrates of the following transporters: organic anion transporter polypeptide 1B1/3 (OATP1B1/3), breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP), P-glycoprotein (P-gp), multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 1 (MATE1), MATE2-K, organic cation transporter 1 (OCT1), OCT2, or OCT3.
Effect of Other Agents on the Pharmacokinetics of Lamivudine: Lamivudine is a substrate of MATE1, MATE2-K, and OCT2 in vitro. Trimethoprim (an inhibitor of these drug transporters) has been shown to increase lamivudine plasma concentrations. This interaction is not considered clinically significant, and no dose adjustment of lamivudine is needed.
Lamivudine is a substrate of P-gp and BCRP; however, considering its absolute bioavailability (87%), it is unlikely that these transporters play a significant role in the absorption of lamivudine. Therefore, coadministration of drugs that are inhibitors of these efflux transporters is unlikely to affect the disposition and elimination of lamivudine.
Interferon Alfa: There was no significant pharmacokinetic interaction between lamivudine and interferon alfa in a trial of 19 healthy male subjects.
Ribavirin: In vitro data indicate ribavirin reduces phosphorylation of lamivudine, stavudine, and zidovudine. However, no pharmacokinetic (e.g., plasma concentrations or intracellular triphosphorylated active metabolite concentrations) or pharmacodynamic (e.g., loss of HIV-1/HCV virologic suppression) interaction was observed when ribavirin and lamivudine (n = 18), stavudine (n = 10), or zidovudine (n = 6) were coadministered as part of a multi-drug regimen to HIV-1/HCV co-infected subjects.
Sorbitol (Excipient): Lamivudine and sorbitol solutions were coadministered to 16 healthy adult subjects in an open-label, randomized sequence, 4-period, crossover trial. Each subject received a single 300-mg dose of lamivudine oral solution alone or coadministered with a single dose of 3.2 grams, 10.2 grams, or 13.4 grams of sorbitol in solution. Coadministration of lamivudine with sorbitol resulted in dose-dependent decreases of 20%, 39%, and 44% in the AUC(0-24), 14%, 32%, and 36% in the AUC(), and 28%, 52%, and 55% in the Cmax of lamivudine.
Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole: Lamivudine and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) were coadministered to 14 HIV-1-positive subjects in a single-center, open-label, randomized, crossover trial. Each subject received treatment with a single 300-mg dose of lamivudine and TMP 160 mg/SMX 800 mg once a day for 5 days with concomitant administration of lamivudine 300 mg with the fifth dose in a crossover design. Coadministration of TMP/SMX with lamivudine resulted in an increase of 43% ± 23% (mean ± SD) in lamivudine AUC(), a decrease of 29% ± 13% in lamivudine oral clearance, and a decrease of 30% ± 36% in lamivudine renal clearance. The pharmacokinetic properties of TMP and SMX were not altered by coadministration with lamivudine.
Zidovudine: No clinically significant alterations in lamivudine or zidovudine pharmacokinetics were observed in 12 asymptomatic HIV-1–infected adult subjects given a single dose of zidovudine (200 mg) in combination with multiple doses of lamivudine (300 mg every 12 hours).
12.4   Microbiology
Mechanism of Action
Lamivudine is a synthetic nucleoside analogue. Intracellularly, lamivudine is phosphorylated to its active 5-triphosphate metabolite, lamivudine triphosphate (3TC-TP). The principal mode of action of 3TC-TP is inhibition of the RNA- and DNA-dependent polymerase activities of HBV reverse transcriptase (rt) via DNA chain termination after incorporation of the nucleotide analogue.
Antiviral Activity
Activity of lamivudine against HBV in cell culture was assessed in HBV DNA-transfected 2.2.15 cells, HB611 cells, and infected human primary hepatocytes.
EC50 values (the concentration of drug needed to reduce the level of extracellular HBV DNA by 50%) varied from 0.01 microM (2.3 ng per mL) to 5.6 microM (1,288 ng per mL) depending upon the duration of exposure of cells to lamivudine, the cell model system, and the protocol used. See the prescribing information for EPIVIR regarding activity of lamivudine against HIV. The anti-HBV activity of lamivudine in combination with adefovir or tenofovir in cell culture was not antagonistic.
Lamivudine-resistant isolates have been identified in subjects with virologic breakthrough.
Lamivudine-resistant HBV isolates develop rtM204V/I substitutions in the YMDD motif of the catalytic domain of the viral reverse transcriptase. rtM204V/I substitutions are frequently accompanied by other substitutions (rtV173L, rtL180M) which enhance the level of lamivudine resistance or act as compensatory substitutions improving replication efficiency. Other substitutions reported in lamivudine-resistant HBV isolates include rtH55R, rtL80I/V, rtV173M, rtA181T/V, rtT184S, rtF219Y, rtL229F/M/V/W, and rtQ267H.
In 4 controlled clinical trials evaluating Zeffix in adults with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B virus infection (CHB), YMDD-mutant HBV was detected in 81 of 335 subjects receiving ZEEFIX 100 mg once daily for 52 weeks. The prevalence of YMDD substitutions was less than 10% in each of these trials for subjects studied at 24 weeks and increased to an average of 24% (range in 4 trials: 16% to 32%) at
52 weeks. A similar prevalence of YMDD substitutions has been reported in large controlled Phase 3 clinical trials utilizing Zeffix as a comparator arm in adults with HBeAg-positive CHB for 48 weeks (range in 4 trials: 11% to 27%) and in adults with HBeAg-negative CHB for 48 weeks (range in 3 clinical trials: 6% to 18%).
Long-term follow up in subjects who continued 100 mg per day of Zeffix demonstrated that the prevalence of YMDD substitutions further increased from 23% (211 of 998) in Year 1, to 46% (368 of 796), 55% (378 of 688), 71% (421 of 592), and 65% (103 of 159) in Years 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively.
In a controlled trial, treatment-naive subjects with HBeAg-positive CHB were treated with ZEFFIX or ZEFFIX plus adefovir dipivoxil combination therapy. Following 104 weeks of therapy, YMDD-mutant HBV was detected in 7 of 40 (18%) subjects receiving combination therapy compared with 15 of 35 (43%) subjects receiving therapy with only ZEFFIX. In 2 controlled clinical trials, treatment-naive subjects who received 48 weeks of therapy with Zeffix in combination with pegylated interferon developed YMDD substitutions less frequently than subjects treated with Zeffix alone (1 of 173 [1%] versus 32 of 179 [18%] in HBeAg-negative subjects; 9 of 256 [4%] versus 69 of 254 [27%] in HBeAg-positive subjects).
Several clinical studies have evaluated alternative regimens in subjects who failed Zeffix due to development of lamivudine resistance. These studies demonstrated a higher rate of viral suppression and decreased development of viral resistance compared with continuation of monotherapy with Zeffix.
Pediatric Subjects: In a controlled trial in pediatric subjects, YMDD-mutant HBV was detected in 31 of 166 (19%) subjects receiving ZEFFIX for 52 weeks. For a subgroup that remained on therapy with ZEFFIX in a follow-up trial, YMDD substitutions increased from 24% (29 of 121) at 12 months to 59% (68 of 115) at 24 months and 64% (66 of 103) at 36 months of treatment with ZEFFIX.
HBV containing lamivudine resistance-associated substitutions (rtL180M, rtM204I, rtM204V, rtL180M and rtM204V, rtV173L and rtL180M and rtM204V) retain susceptibility to adefovir dipivoxil but have reduced susceptibility to entecavir (greater than 30-fold) and telbivudine (greater than 100-fold). The lamivudine resistance-associated substitution rtA181T results in diminished response to adefovir and telbivudine. Similarly, HBV with entecavir resistance-associated substitutions (rtI169T and rtM250V, rtT184G and rtS202I) have greater than 1,000-fold reductions in susceptibility to lamivudine.

שימוש לפי פנקס קופ''ח כללית 1994 לא צוין
תאריך הכללה מקורי בסל 01/01/2000
הגבלות תרופה מוגבלת לרישום ע'י רופא מומחה או הגבלה אחרת

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